Both Carlos and Suzanne are Anger Management and Resolution Specialists and have been providing Anger Management services with great success both in-person and online since 2006. Combined, they have helped thousands of people live better lives without the spectre of Anger, Aggression and Abuse. Anger issues are common and devastating, but with work and dedication can be successfully and sustainable resolved. Our Anger Management services can be accessed across the world, and we have and have had clients living all over the UK and Europe, the Middle East and Far East and the USA and Canada. In-person Anger Management can be accessed at our Higham Ferrers offices by residents within Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire. If you wish to contact us to access Anger Management services or discuss your needs, please see below.


Mob: 0742 714 4234
Counsellor: Jump to Carlos’ profile page

Please be patient.

If we are unable to quickly respond to your calls, texts, or emails, it is because we are a busy Anger Management practice spending much of our day in appointments with clients. Not all Anger Management therapists are equal in skill, training or experience and therefore, it is better to choose a competent Anger Management counsellor instead of the first to answer the phone.

Carlos Counsellor and Psychotherapist Anger – an introduction
The prevenance and severity of Anger issues are unaffected by and have nothing to do with the age, sex, class, race, beliefs, and sexuality of the anger sufferer. Potentially, anyone can have an Anger issue and they are an extremely common form of behavioural problem that plague both the sufferer and victim, devastating lives, families, relationships, and careers. Anger can be either directed externally at a victim or object, or internally at the sufferer themselves and can be either passive or active. Active Aggression, being the most obvious to a third party, is generally what people perceived as ‘Aggression’ and is what the majority of Anger Sufferers go to Anger Management for. However, Passive Aggression, which can be as equally devastating and often more so, can go undetected, and unresolved and is easily denied and hidden from public scrutiny. It is a hidden destructive agency that even its victim may not recognise or if they do, may believe it is just ordinary behaviour and is difficult to get others to accept as a problem. Yet, Passive Aggression is often the cornerstone of persistent abuse filling in the gaps and maintain the abusers psychological strangle hold.
Active Aggression:
  • Interpersonal Violence,
  • Domestic Violence / Abuse,
  • Threats and Intimidation,
  • Property Damage / Destruction,
  • Coercion,
  • self-destructive behaviours, etc.
Passive Aggression:
  • Sulking,
  • Rejecting,
  • Manipulating,
  • Familial Alienation,
  • Gas lighting,
  • Psychological Domination,
  • Provocation and Goading,
  • Proxy bullying, etc.
The behaviours associated with Anger issues, especially Passive Aggression, are very common and can be experienced in any environment from the home to the workplace. For many, they are accepted as ‘normal’ behaviour, something to live with rather than something to resolve. Thus, they go untreated, slowly eroding people’s relationships and lives.
The nature of aggression, especially within relationships, falls on a spectrum from Daily or habitual persistent abusive behaviour in which the abuser maintains a strangle hold over the life of their victim to Occasional aggressive behaviour or outbursts. However, regardless of its severity, given the negative effects of all Anger issues, both Active and Passive, it is always prudent to seek resolution through Anger Management and Resolution counselling to prevent a minor issue turning into a toxic issue.
Anger Management and Resolution
For over a decade and a half, Carlos and Suzanne have been both providing and developing Anger Management services and as such are very successful specialists. Furthermore, the term Anger Management is only a term that they use because it is what the public tend to call the service that helps people with Anger issues, Anger Sufferers. However, it would be more apt to call the services provided by Carlos and Suzanne, Anger Resolution, because the goal of their services is not only to help Anger Sufferers manage their condition but to sustainable resolve it. Resolution is preferable over Management because Management usually relates to the deployment and utilisation of tools and techniques, which always eventually fail leaving the sufferer feeling helpless. Anger Resolution works to change the psychology behind Anger issues so that Anger is no longer conceived as psychologically or relationally necessary. Instead the once Anger Sufferer is able to understand, process and deal with interpersonal issues without using aggression, active or passive.

We are proud to say that our Anger Management and Resolution services are second to none!

Dystopian Anger Management Counselling
As with all professions, there are good, bad, and downright dangerous practitioners and Anger Management counsellors are no different. Therefore, generally, it falls to the purchaser of goods and services to do their own due diligence, to find something appropriate to their needs. However, many ‘would-be clients’ who have little or no knowledge concerning professions that are not their own, rely on industry standards, and governing bodies to help sort the chaff from the wheat. However, sadly, this process is problematic for all things counselling. When trying to weed out the bad from good, not only do potential clients have to contend with the individual Anger Management Counsellor’s proclivities, their abilities and skills or lack thereof, to find someone effective and useful. There is the additional problem of ‘the fruit from the poisonous tree’, which makes the situation even worse.

Since the 1960s, through the surreptitious machinations of a particular political and social movement and despite science and statistics to the contrary, society, the media, politicians, and the judiciary has been gaslighted, convinced of a stereotypical image of an aggressive or abusive situation and person:
  • The Aggressor or Abuser is ALWAYS Male and NEVER Female.
  • The Victim is Always Female and never Male.
  • The Male is always responsible for the behaviour of both parties no matter what.
  • Any ‘aggression’ perpetrated by Females is ALWAYS Defensive and the fault of the Male.
  • Aggression is always the result of Male desire for power and dominance over Females.

The depth and success of this social engineering and its resulting social beliefs can be demonstrated by asking any man three simple questions. 1. In relationships, who is more aggressive, men or women? 2. Who are the most common sufferers or victims of domestic abuse? 3. In what type of relationship is there most aggression or abuse? To the first question, most men will answer Men are most aggressive. To the second they will answer, Women are the most common victims of domestic abuse. And finally, to the third, they will answer Heterosexual relationships are the worst. However, not one of these answers is true.

To the first. Statistics clearly show that Men and women are equally guilty of aggression and most domestic violence and aggression is reciprocal. To the second, the most vulnerable and least represented people in society are children. It is children who are completely dependent, do not have a voice in society and are most abused, neglected and harmed… Not women. And finally, to the third, statistics show that Lesbian relationships, have the higher prevalence of aggression. Women in intimate relationships together are more aggressive. However, despite these truths, Men have been so gaslighted against their own sex that most now fundamentally believe that Men are responsible for all such issues. Therefore, men feel vindicated in their harsh treatment of men and reluctance to believe their innocence. Furthermore, the abuse of men is commonly denied or excused or the subject of ridicule.

These outlandish ideological beliefs were further underpinned in the 1970’s, when the governing bodies of counselling, psychotherapy, and psychology were infiltrated by the same political activists who over time incorporated their political beliefs and ideologies into the training and governance of these professions. Thus, ostensibly, the provision of counselling services and the design of courses is no longer based upon scientific evidence, best practice, and efficacy of treatment, but rather political ideology. The corruption and subjugation of these professions has been so total and profound that many, if not most, counsellors have been so well schooled, indoctrinated, that they are completely unaware that their work promotes a toxic ideology that runs contrary to the needs of those they seek to help.

The devastating result of these ideas is that public funded Anger Management and Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programs are generally solely directed at and available to men and exclude women. Even privately funded programmes have the same bent and often prove useless to women. Furthermore, the courses are so distorted in content that they prove useless to all attendants, male or female. The vilification of men and the infantilisation of women cannot form the foundation of an effective treatment plan. Similarly, the results of this ideology is experienced in the opposite direction when it comes to the provision of refuges from domestic violence. There are thousands of such institutions catering for female abuse survivors and their children and practically none for men and their children. Apparently, the provision of such facilities to men runs contrary to the prevalent political ideology and are therefore not funded. Also, within Couple Counselling, sides are taken where non should be and the benefit of women and the promotion of female ways of being and communicating are promoted and given precedence over what is believed to be toxic maleness.

The point I am endeavouring to make here is not that males are particularly mistreated in counselling provision, but both males and females are. If men are vilified and women infantilised, how does it help either? How does it help children who live in families with anger sufferers? And how can someone seeking help find services that have not been contaminated by ideological insanity? It is very difficult.

However, please rest assured that Camino Counselling only provides effective scientifically based services devoid of all ideological corruption.

(The following is an example of the severity of the damage done by this ideological infiltration).

The Duluth Fantasy – (A fevered dream from deranged minds)
Reading the above, one might be justified in concluding that these are the rantings of a politically motivated man, creating ridiculous stories to cover for toxic male behaviour. But rest assured that it is all true and the Duluth Model, a supposed therapeutic model used across the world is prime and blatant example of it.

Boyed up by their success in engineering attitudes, activists further consolidated their influence by creating models, courses, and interventions, especially Domestic Violence Perpetrator, DVP, courses that vilify males and infantilise women. A useful example of this is action is in Domestic Abuse Intervention Program better known as the Duluth Model, named after the small town in the USA where it was first ‘developed’ in 1981. The Duluth model is one of the most commonly used Domestic Violence courses in the world and yet it has absolutely zero academic or statistical foundation or credibility of success. Instead, it is a political tool, the product of the third wave Feminist activist mind and is filled with Feminist ideological propaganda like Patriarchy and Male Privilege… Neither of which actually exist. And yet it is accepted as a psychotherapeutic model and utilised in practice by therapists, counsellors and the like without any restriction or complaint from professional bodies. Not only that, it was not developed by qualified counsellors, psychotherapists or psychologists and has no proven psychotherapeutic model supporting it. Below is an illustration which depicts the foundation behind the model.
(this illustration was taken from and produced by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, 202 East Superior Street, Duluth, Minnesota 55802).

The above diagram was developed by Duluth to illustrate their model and it telly you all you need to know about the model and the attitudes, prejudices, and ideology of its developers. Any and all criticism of their model and their bigotry has always been has always been brazenly defended by them. Here are some of the issues:

The language within the wheel is deliberately gendered, painting women as the sole victims under any and all circumstances and men as perpetrators. – It does not account for the fact that same sex relationships, particularly lesbian relationships have a higher incidence of violence than mixed sex, heterosexual relationships. – Also, government statistics, (2018), demonstrate that men more than women are victims of coercion within domestic abuse / partner abuse.
The model assumes that the motivation of all male aggressors is power and control over women. – This has no statistical foundation whatsoever and it is in fact rarely the case.
The model in its entirety denies the agency of women and infantilises them. – If women are the equal of men ,then surely not only are they capable of doing any good than men do, but also capable of doing the same evil. It is ridiculous to suggest that women are incapable of being abusive or aggressive… Most children and people who were once children and had mothers or grandmothers will attest to this fact. To suggest otherwise is misogynistic.
Choose your Anger Management therapist carefully. Not all specialists are of equal calibre.
Given the contamination in all types of talking therapies including Anger Management, consider the following:
If you are male, be careful not to engage any type of therapist that vilifies or assumes that you are completely at fault just because you are male.

conversely, if you are female, avoid any therapist that absolves you of all culpability and responsibility for your actions and choices just because you are female and your spouse is male.

Overall, avoid the ideologically or personally motivated therapist. Therapists that use language like patriarchy, male privilege, etc. are such people. All anger sufferers deserve fair and effective treatment of their condition.